There are a number of different schools of Feng Shui. This offers the practitioner a wide arsenal to choose from. The choice of modality often depends on the question asked.
At the base, the most fundamental practice involves Form School Feng Shui. Form School allows us to look at the lay of the land; light and dark – Yin and Yang aspects; the shape of the site; the conditions of the landscape; the formation of the house and the flow of chi. Form school is always the first consideration in any investigation.
With this modality we also look at the nine sectors, each of which references a specific direction, element, family member, colour, part of the body, aspiration etc. Each sector is also allocated a number. This number acts as the sector host number which, when using the Fly Star system welcomes in the annual and monthly flying star.
Flying Star Feng Shui ultimately looks at changing energies over time and how these impact occupants of the home. Flying Star energy provides us with the “story of the house”. It also identifies areas of the house that align with the health or wealth potential of individual occupants.
Each person also has their own number vibration, known as their Kua number. This allots favourable and unfavourable directions and locations for each individual occupant and tells us something about their unique characteristics. A more in-depth analysis of each individual’s personality, luck and potential is offed by a person’s Ba Zi or Chinese Astrology known a a Four Pillars chart. Ba Zi is particularly helpful when looking at architectural plans and assists in designing a home that best accommodates each of the occupants.
When the question asked of a practitioner relates to the best placement of a home on a block, or a gate or door then the Compass School of Feng Shui is quite useful. Either way, there are many modalities that one can employ to make an assessment.
However, I am a firm believer that the house chooses you not you the house as the vibrational energies of a home usually resonate with those that live there. The “story of the house” is a lesson you need to experience, learn and grow from and advance on your journey from there.
Working the Earth
The plot of land a house sits on is not inconsequential to the energies surrounding it.
In any assessment we need to consider all three elements. Heaven chi (what comes from above), Earth chi (what lies below) and Man chi (what each individual’s karma brings).
Geomancy is the art of reading and healing the earth. Assessing the chi surrounding your home and identifying any underground streams that may be polluted or stuck energy. This is done through a process of Earth Acupuncture with either wooden or copper needles or sometimes crystals.
Clearing stuck energy is a good way of moving things along, assisting in clearing blockages in relationships or bringing issues to the surface to be cleared.
Electromagnetic Energy
Electromagnetic energy is basically a type of energy that is emitted by electrical or magnetic waves permitting through the spaces we live in.
We are so accustomed to living with an array of electromagnetic appliances that we have become desensitised to the potential harm they can have on our health.
Offending objects can vary from a television set in our bedroom to electricity towers in close proximity to our homes. Even electrical wiring criss-crossing behind plaster boards add to this harmful energy.
There are certain steps we can take to mitigate this negative energy. This could be having a direct say in how electrical wiring is laid out when designing a new home; blocking out unsightly power lines or strategically placing appliances. All which help mitigate this type of energy.
Clearing Negative Energies
Stuck energy breeds a lack of motivation or creates a feeling of being uncomfortable in one’s home.
Space clearing aims to tackle stale energy which can usually be attributed to people being sick or depressed for a long time; dealing with addictions or toxic relationships or even bringing “stuff” home from a stressful or demanding job.
Energetically, these emotions accumulate within a home and cloud one’s thinking or restrict people moving forward.
Space clearing is an empowering process where you get to cleanse your home and affirm your place and purpose within.