Entering the site
The Ming Tang
The Ming Tang or ‘Bright Hall’ is a very important consideration when thinking of your home. It’s the ‘landing site’ from where to call in positive energy.
The Ming Tang can be in the form of a front garden, pleasantly created for visitors to arrive at. Or, it can be your front porch which attracts serenity, beauty and quiet contemplation. If your site is small and lacks both a front garden and porch, then consider your main entrance hall as your Ming Tang.
Is it bright and spacious? Is it welcoming? Art, rugs, fresh flowers or ornate furnishings can all contribute to making it a welcoming space.
Many of the modern day townhouses or appartments lead straight into a lounge room or open space. Creating a Ming Tang under this scenario can be tricky. Consider using screens, or pot plants or even round rugs to create a designated space from where to collect the Chi as it enters your home.
If you use a mirror here, ensure it is angled to reflect the garden or a pleasant view. Do not place a mirror directly opposite the front door as it will only push the Chi out, before it has a chance to enter the house.
Above all, the Ming Tang needs to be uncluttered, clean and presentable. This is your way of saying – ” I’m here and I’m open to receive”.
The Tai Chi or Centre of your home
Another very important part of your home is its Heart or centre, also known as the Tai Chi. Symbolically this is represented by the Yin Yang symbol, spinning and pulsating energy throughout the entire house. The centre represents health, stability and nourishment for all the occupants of the home.
From a Form School perspective the Centre is represented by the Earth element; balancing, calming and grounding the occupants. The Tai Chi is where all the energy lines (both positive and negative) meet. It is important that this space is kept clean and uncluttered to enhance positive and harmonious energy flow.
This area should be open and light, and it is best if it does not house a bathroom, staircase or closet. There are potential cures to counteract the impact of a closed or compromised Tai Chi. You can activate this space by firstly moving any heavy or large furniture away to give this space the opportunity to breath. If the space is constricted by walls you can paint them in an Earth or Fire colour to brighten them up. Creating a focal point through art or sculpture that captures the intent here, would also help. The focus is about good health, beauty and love.
As the element in the Centre is Earth, avoid Metal or Wood objects and preference earthware and fire colours.
For most of us, keeping the centre open and clean is a great beginning.